Source code for juju.application

# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache V2, see LICENCE file for details.

import hashlib
import json
import logging
import typing
from pathlib import Path

from . import jasyncio, model, tag, utils
from .annotationhelper import _get_annotations, _set_annotations
from .bundle import get_charm_series, is_local_charm
from .client import client
from .errors import JujuApplicationConfigError, JujuError
from .origin import Channel, Source
from .placement import parse as parse_placement
from .relation import Relation
from .status import derive_status
from .url import URL
from .utils import block_until

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Application(model.ModelEntity): @property def _unit_match_pattern(self): return r'^{}.*$'.format(self.entity_id) def _facade(self): return client.ApplicationFacade.from_connection(self.connection) def _facade_version(self): return client.ApplicationFacade.best_facade_version(self.connection)
[docs] def on_unit_add(self, callable_): """Add a "unit added" observer to this entity, which will be called whenever a unit is added to this application. """ self.model.add_observer( callable_, 'unit', 'add', self._unit_match_pattern)
[docs] def on_unit_remove(self, callable_): """Add a "unit removed" observer to this entity, which will be called whenever a unit is removed from this application. """ self.model.add_observer( callable_, 'unit', 'remove', self._unit_match_pattern)
@property def units(self): return [ unit for unit in self.model.units.values() if unit.application == ] @property def subordinate_units(self): """Returns the subordinate units of this application""" return [u for u in self.units if u.is_subordinate] @property def relations(self) -> typing.List[Relation]: return [rel for rel in self.model.relations if rel.matches(]
[docs] def related_applications(self, endpoint_name=None): apps = {} for rel in self.relations: if rel.is_peer: local_ep, remote_ep = rel.endpoints else: def is_us(ep): return == local_ep, remote_ep = sorted(rel.endpoints, key=is_us) if endpoint_name is not None and endpoint_name != continue apps[] = remote_ep.application return apps
@property def status(self): """Get the application status. If the application is unknown it will attempt to derive the unit workload status and highlight the most relevant (severity). """ status = self.safe_data['status']['current'] if status == "unset": known_statuses = [] for unit in self.units: known_statuses.append(unit.workload_status) # If the self.get_status() is called (i.e. the status # is received by FullStatus from the API) then add # that into this computation as it might be more up # to date (and more severe). known_statuses.append(self._status) return derive_status(known_statuses) return status @property def status_message(self): """Get the application status message, as set by the charm's leader. """ return self.safe_data['status']['message'] @property def tag(self): return tag.application(
[docs] async def add_relation(self, local_relation, remote_relation): """ .. deprecated:: 2.9.9 Use ``relate()`` instead """ return await self.relate(local_relation, remote_relation)
[docs] async def relate(self, local_relation, remote_relation): """Add a relation to another application. :param str local_relation: Name of relation on this application :param str remote_relation: Name of relation on the other application in the form '<application>[:<relation_name>]' """ if ':' not in local_relation: local_relation = '{}:{}'.format(, local_relation) return await self.model.relate(local_relation, remote_relation)
[docs] async def add_unit(self, count=1, to=None, attach_storage=[]): """Add one or more units to this application. :param int count: Number of units to add :param [str] attach_storage: Existing storage to attach to the deployed unit (not available on k8s models) :param str to: Placement directive, e.g.:: '23' - machine 23 'lxc:7' - new lxc container on machine 7 '24/lxc/3' - lxc container 3 or machine 24 If None, a new machine is provisioned. """ if == 'caas': log.warning('adding units to a container-based model not supported, auto-switching to scale') return await self.scale(scale_change=count) app_facade = self._facade() log.debug( 'Adding %s unit%s to %s', count, '' if count == 1 else 's', result = await app_facade.AddUnits(, placement=parse_placement(to) if to else None, num_units=count, attach_storage=attach_storage, ) return await jasyncio.gather(*[ jasyncio.ensure_future(self.model._wait_for_new('unit', unit_id)) for unit_id in result.units ])
add_units = add_unit
[docs] async def scale(self, scale=None, scale_change=None): """ Set or adjust the scale of this (K8s) application. One or the other of scale or scale_change must be provided. :param int scale: Scale to which to set this application. :param int scale_change: Amount by which to adjust the scale of this application (can be positive or negative). """ app_facade = self._facade() if (scale, scale_change) == (None, None): raise ValueError('Must provide either scale or scale_change') log.debug( 'Scaling application %s %s %s',, 'to' if scale else 'by', scale or scale_change) await app_facade.ScaleApplications(applications=[ client.ScaleApplicationParams(application_tag=self.tag, scale=scale, scale_change=scale_change) ])
[docs] async def destroy_relation(self, local_relation, remote_relation, block_until_done: bool = False): """Remove a relation to another application. :param str local_relation: Name of relation on this application :param str remote_relation: Name of relation on the other application in the form '<application>[:<relation_name>]' :param bool block_until_done: Wait until the relation is completely removed. """ if ':' not in local_relation: local_relation = '{}:{}'.format(, local_relation) app_facade = self._facade() log.debug( 'Destroying relation %s <-> %s', local_relation, remote_relation) await app_facade.DestroyRelation(endpoints=[ local_relation, remote_relation]) if block_until_done: await block_until( lambda: not any( relation.matches(local_relation, remote_relation) for relation in self.relations ) )
remove_relation = destroy_relation
[docs] async def destroy_unit(self, *unit_names): """Destroy units by name. """ return await self.model.destroy_units(*unit_names)
destroy_units = destroy_unit
[docs] async def destroy(self, destroy_storage=False, force=False, no_wait=False): """Remove this application from the model. :param bool destroy_storage: Destroy storage attached to application unit. (=false) :param bool force: Completely remove an application and all its dependencies. (=false) :param bool no_wait: Rush through application removal without waiting for each individual step to complete (=false) :param bool block: Blocks until the application is removed from the model """ if no_wait and not force: raise JujuError("--no-wait without --force is not valid") app_facade = self._facade() log.debug('Destroying {} with parameters -- destroy-storage : {} -- force : {} -- no-wait : {}'.format(, destroy_storage, force, no_wait)) res = await app_facade.DestroyApplication(applications=[client.DestroyApplicationParams( application_tag=self.tag, destroy_storage=destroy_storage, force=force, max_wait=0 if no_wait else None, )]) return res
remove = destroy
[docs] def supports_granular_expose_parameters(self): """Returns true if the controller supports granular, per-endpoint expose parameters.""" return self._facade_version() >= 13
[docs] async def expose(self, exposed_endpoints=None): """Make a subset of the application endpoints or the entire application available over the network. If the exposed_endpoints argument is not provided, all opened port ranges for the application will become reachable from On juju 2.9 and onwards, the exposed_endpoints argument may be used to specify a list of spaces and or CIDRs that should be able to reach the port ranges opened for a particular subnet. The exposed_endpoints parameter is a map where keys are endpoint names or the empty string ("") which works as a wildcard for all endpoints and values are ExposedEndpoint instances. When targeting an older juju controller, the exposed_endpoints param is not supported and an error will be raised if it is provided. """ app_facade = self._facade() ctrl_supports_expose_parameters = self.supports_granular_expose_parameters() if exposed_endpoints is not None: if not isinstance(exposed_endpoints, dict): raise ValueError("endpoints must be a dictionary with ExposedEndpoint values") # The bundle changes code will pass in raw dicts with the exposed # endpoint data. We need to convert those into ExposedEndpoints for k, v in exposed_endpoints.items(): if not isinstance(v, ExposedEndpoint): exposed_endpoints[k] = ExposedEndpoint.from_dict(v) # Check if the specified exposed_endpoints would cause security # issues when applied to a pre 2.9 controller. has_more_than_one_endpoints = len(exposed_endpoints) > 1 has_non_wildcard_endpoint = ( len(exposed_endpoints) > 0 and "" not in exposed_endpoints ) has_wildcard_endpoint_with_spaces_or_non_wildcard_cidrs = ( "" in exposed_endpoints and ( exposed_endpoints[""].includes_non_wildcard_cidrs() or exposed_endpoints[""].includes_spaces() ) ) is_security_risk = ( not ctrl_supports_expose_parameters and ( has_more_than_one_endpoints or has_non_wildcard_endpoint or has_wildcard_endpoint_with_spaces_or_non_wildcard_cidrs ) ) if is_security_risk: raise JujuError("controller does not support granular expose parameters; applying this change would make all open application ports accessible from") for endpoint, expose_details in exposed_endpoints.items(): access_from = "from CIDRs and ::/0" if isinstance(expose_details, ExposedEndpoint): access_from = str(expose_details) if endpoint == "": log.debug("expose all endpoints of %s and allow access %s",, access_from) else: log.debug("override expose settings for endpoint %s of %s and %s", endpoint,, access_from) # Map ExposedEndpoint entries to a dict we can pass to the facade. exposed_endpoints = { k: v.to_dict() for k, v in exposed_endpoints.items() } else: log.debug("expose all endpoints of %s and allow access from CIDRs and ::/0", if not ctrl_supports_expose_parameters: return await app_facade.Expose( return await app_facade.Expose(, exposed_endpoints=exposed_endpoints)
[docs] async def unexpose(self, exposed_endpoints=None): """Prevent a subset of the application endpoints or the entire application from being reached over the network. If the exposed_endpoints argument is not provided, the entire application will be unexposed. On juju 2.9 and onwards, the exposed_endpoints argument may be used to specify a list of endpoint names whose port ranges should be unexposed. When targeting an older juju controller, the exposed_endpoints param is not supported and an error will be raised if it is provided. """ app_facade = self._facade() facade_version = self._facade_version() # Check if an endpoint list is provided if exposed_endpoints is not None and len(exposed_endpoints) > 0: if facade_version < 13: raise JujuError("controller does not support granular expose parameters; applying this change would unexpose the application") log.debug("Unexposing endpoints %s of %s", ",".join(exposed_endpoints), return await app_facade.Unexpose(, exposed_endpoints=exposed_endpoints) # Just expose the entire application log.debug("Unexposing %s", return await app_facade.Unexpose(
[docs] async def get_series(self): """Return the series on which the application is deployed :return: str series """ app_facade = self._facade() log.debug( 'Getting series for %s', appGetResults = (await app_facade.Get( if self._facade_version() >= 15: base_channel = return utils.base_channel_to_series(base_channel) return appGetResults.series
[docs] async def get_config(self): """Return the configuration settings dict for this application. """ app_facade = self._facade() log.debug( 'Getting config for %s', return (await app_facade.Get(
[docs] async def get_trusted(self): """Return the trusted configuration setting for this application. """ if < client.Number.from_json('2.4.0'): raise NotImplementedError("trusted is not supported on model version {}".format( app_facade = self._facade() log.debug( 'Getting config for %s', config = await app_facade.Get( if 'trust' in config.config: return config.config['trust']['value'] is True app_config = config.application_config return app_config['trust']['value'] is True
[docs] async def set_trusted(self, trust): """Set the trusted configuration of the application. :param bool trust: Trust the application or not """ if < client.Number.from_json('2.4.0'): raise NotImplementedError("trusted is not supported on model version {}".format( # clamp trust to exactly the value juju expects, rather than allowing # anything in the config. app_facade = self._facade() config = {'trust': json.dumps(True if trust is True else False)} log.debug( 'Setting config for %s: %s',, config) # Unfortunately we have to do this in a lazy fashion, attempting to use # the method early will cause an error. Attempting to call this # dynamically causes issues with how the client code is wired up... we # end up with a missing _toPy attr. # Using a lambda to only throw it away when it's wrong seems a problem # as well. config_method = None if self._facade_version() < 13: config_method = app_facade.SetApplicationsConfig else: config_method = app_facade.SetConfigs return await config_method(args=[{ "application":, "config": config, }])
[docs] async def get_constraints(self): """Return the machine constraints dict for this application. """ app_facade = self._facade() log.debug( 'Getting constraints for %s', result = (await app_facade.Get( return vars(result) if result else result
[docs] async def get_actions(self, schema=False): """Get actions defined for this application. :param bool schema: Return the full action schema :return dict: The charms actions, empty dict if none are defined. """ actions = {} entity = {"tag": self.tag} action_facade = client.ActionFacade.from_connection(self.connection) results = (await action_facade.ApplicationsCharmsActions(entities=[entity])).results for result in results: if result.application_tag == self.tag and result.actions: actions = result.actions break if not schema: actions = {k: v.description for k, v in actions.items()} return actions
[docs] async def get_status(self): """Get the application status using info from the FullStatus as well, because it might be more up to date than our model :return: str status """ client_facade = client.ClientFacade.from_connection(self.connection) full_status = await client_facade.FullStatus(patterns=None) _app = full_status.applications.get(, None) if not _app: raise JujuError(f"application is not in FullStatus : {}") self._status = derive_status([self.status, _app.status.status]) return self._status
[docs] def attach_resource(self, resource_name, file_name, file_obj): """Updates the resource for an application by uploading file from local disk to the Juju controller. :param str resource_name: Name of the resource to be updated. :param str file_name: Name of the local file to be uploaded. :param TextIOWrapper file_obj: Actual object to be read for data. """ conn, headers, path_prefix = self.connection.https_connection() url = "{}/applications/{}/resources/{}".format( path_prefix,, resource_name) data = headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' headers['Content-Length'] = len(data) data_bytes = data if isinstance(data, bytes) else bytes(data, 'utf-8') headers['Content-Sha384'] = hashlib.sha384(data_bytes).hexdigest() file_name = str(file_name) if not file_name.startswith('./'): file_name = './' + file_name headers['Content-Disposition'] = "form-data; filename=\"{}\"".format(file_name) headers['Accept-Encoding'] = 'gzip' headers['Bakery-Protocol-Version'] = 3 headers['Connection'] = 'close' conn.request('PUT', url, data, headers) response = conn.getresponse() result = if not response.status == 200: raise JujuError(result)
[docs] async def get_resources(self): """Return resources for this application. Returns a dict mapping resource name to :class:`~juju._definitions.CharmResource` instances. """ facade = client.ResourcesFacade.from_connection(self.connection) response = await facade.ListResources(entities=[client.Entity(self.tag)]) resources = dict() for result in response.results: for resource in result.charm_store_resources or []: resources[] = resource for resource in result.resources or []: if resource.charmresource: resource = resource.charmresource resources[] = resource return resources
[docs] async def run(self, command, timeout=None): """Run command on all units for this application. :param str command: The command to run :param int timeout: Time to wait before command is considered failed """ action = client.ActionFacade.from_connection(self.connection) log.debug( 'Running `%s` on all units of %s', command, # TODO this should return a list of Actions return await action.Run( applications=[], commands=command, machines=[], timeout=timeout, units=[], )
@property def charm_name(self): """Get the charm name of this application :return str: The name of the charm """ return URL.parse(self.charm_url).name @property def charm_url(self): """Get the charm url for this application :return str: The charm url """ return self.safe_data['charm-url']
[docs] async def get_annotations(self): """Get annotations on this application. :return dict: The annotations for this application """ return await _get_annotations(self.tag, self.connection)
[docs] async def set_annotations(self, annotations): """Set annotations on this application. :param annotations map[string]string: the annotations as key/value pairs. """ return await _set_annotations(self.tag, annotations, self.connection)
[docs] async def set_config(self, config): """Set configuration options for this application. :param config: Dict of configuration to set """ app_facade = self._facade() log.debug( 'Setting config for %s: %s',, config) str_config = {} for k, v in config.items(): if isinstance(v, str): str_config[k] = v elif isinstance(v, dict): # pairs with a value of None are ignored if v.get('value', False): str_config[k] = str(v.get('value')) else: raise JujuApplicationConfigError(config, [k, v]) return await app_facade.SetConfigs(args=[{ "application":, "config": str_config, }])
[docs] async def reset_config(self, to_default): """ Restore application config to default values. :param list to_default: A list of config options to be reset to their default value. """ app_facade = self._facade() log.debug( 'Restoring default config for %s: %s',, to_default) return await app_facade.UnsetApplicationsConfig(args=[{ "application":, "options": to_default, }])
[docs] async def set_constraints(self, constraints): """Set machine constraints for this application. :param dict constraints: Dict of machine constraints """ app_facade = self._facade() log.debug( 'Setting constraints for %s: %s',, constraints) return await app_facade.SetConstraints(, constraints=constraints)
[docs] async def refresh( self, channel=None, force=False, force_series=False, force_units=False, path=None, resources=None, revision=None, switch=None): """Refresh the charm for this application. :param str channel: Channel to use when getting the charm from the charm store, e.g. 'development' :param bool force_series: Refresh even if series of deployed application is not supported by the new charm :param bool force_units: Refresh all units immediately, even if in error state :param str path: Refresh to a charm located at path :param dict resources: Dictionary of resource name/filepath pairs :param int revision: Explicit refresh revision :param str switch: Crossgrade charm url """ if switch is not None and path is not None: raise ValueError("switch and path are mutually exclusive") if switch is not None and revision is not None: raise ValueError("switch and revision are mutually exclusive") app_facade = self._facade() charms_facade = client.CharmsFacade.from_connection(self.connection) # 1 - Figure out the destination origin and destination charm_url # 2 - Then take care of the resources # 3 - Finally execute the upgrade # Get the charm URL and charm origin of the given application is running at present. charm_url_origin_result = await app_facade.GetCharmURLOrigin( if charm_url_origin_result.error is not None: err = charm_url_origin_result.error raise JujuError(f'{err.code} : {err.message}') origin = charm_url_origin_result.charm_origin if path is not None or (switch is not None and is_local_charm(switch)): await self.local_refresh(origin, force, force_series, force_units, path or switch, resources) return # If switch is not None at this point, that means it's a switch to a store charm charm_url = switch or charm_url_origin_result.url parsed_url = URL.parse(charm_url) charm_name = if parsed_url.schema is None: raise JujuError(f'A ch: or cs: schema is required for application refresh, given : {str(parsed_url)}') if revision is not None: origin.revision = revision # Make the source-specific changes to the origin/channel/url # (and also get the resources necessary to deploy the (destination) charm -- for later) origin.source = Source.CHARM_HUB.value if channel: ch = Channel.parse(channel).normalize() origin.risk = ch.risk origin.track = ch.track charmhub = self.model.charmhub charm_resources = await charmhub.list_resources(charm_name) # Resolve the given charm URLs with an optionally specified preferred channel. # Channel provided via CharmOrigin. resolved_charm_with_channel_results = await charms_facade.ResolveCharms( resolve=[client.ResolveCharmWithChannel( charm_origin=origin, switch_charm=True if switch else False, # rpc expects boolean type reference=charm_url, )]) resolved_charm = resolved_charm_with_channel_results.results[0] # Get the destination origin and destination charm_url from the resolved charm if resolved_charm.error is not None: err = resolved_charm.error raise JujuError(f'{err.code} : {err.message}') dest_origin = resolved_charm.charm_origin charm_url = resolved_charm.url # Add the charm with the destination url and origin charm_origin_result = await charms_facade.AddCharm(url=charm_url, force=force, charm_origin=dest_origin) if charm_origin_result.error is not None: err = charm_origin_result.error raise JujuError(f'{err.code} : {err.message}') # Now take care of the resources: # user supplied resources to be used in refresh, # will override the default values if there's any arg_resources = resources or {} # need to process the given resources, as they can be # paths or revisions _arg_res_filenames = {} _arg_res_revisions = {} for res, filename_or_rev in arg_resources.items(): if isinstance(filename_or_rev, int): _arg_res_revisions[res] = filename_or_rev else: _arg_res_filenames[res] = filename_or_rev # Already prepped the charm_resources # Now get the existing resources from the ResourcesFacade request_data = [client.Entity(self.tag)] resources_facade = client.ResourcesFacade.from_connection(self.connection) response = await resources_facade.ListResources(entities=request_data) existing_resources = { resource for resource in response.results[0].resources } # Compute the difference btw resources needed and the existing resources resources_to_update = [] for resource in charm_resources: if utils.should_upgrade_resource(resource, existing_resources, arg_resources): resources_to_update.append(resource) # Update the resources if resources_to_update: request_data = [] for resource in resources_to_update: res_name = resource.get('Name', resource.get('name')) request_data.append(client.CharmResource( description=resource.get('Description', resource.get('description')), name=res_name, path=_arg_res_filenames.get(res_name, resource.get('Path', resource.get('filename', ''))), revision=_arg_res_revisions.get(res_name, -1), type_=resource.get('Type', resource.get('type')), origin='store', )) response = await resources_facade.AddPendingResources( application_tag=self.tag, charm_url=charm_url, resources=request_data, charm_origin=dest_origin, ) pending_ids = response.pending_ids resource_ids = { resource.get('Name', resource.get('name')): id for resource, id in zip(resources_to_update, pending_ids) } else: resource_ids = None set_charm_args = { 'application': self.entity_id, 'charm_url': charm_url, 'charm_origin': dest_origin, 'config_settings': None, 'config_settings_yaml': None, 'force': force, 'force_units': force_units, 'resource_ids': resource_ids, 'storage_constraints': None, } if self.connection.is_using_old_client: set_charm_args['force_series'] = force_series # Update the application await app_facade.SetCharm(**set_charm_args) await self.model.block_until( lambda:['charm-url'] == charm_url )
upgrade_charm = refresh
[docs] async def local_refresh( self, charm_origin=None, force=False, force_series=False, force_units=False, path=None, resources=None): """Refresh the charm for this application with a local charm. :param dict charm_origin: The charm origin of the destination charm we're refreshing to :param bool force: Refresh even if validation checks fail :param bool force_series: Refresh even if series of deployed application is not supported by the new charm :param bool force_units: Refresh all units immediately, even if in error state :param str path: Refresh to a charm located at path :param dict resources: Dictionary of resource name/filepath pairs """ app_facade = self._facade() if isinstance(path, str) and path.startswith("local:"): path = path[6:] path = Path(path) charm_dir = path.expanduser().resolve() model_config = await self.get_config() series = ( await self.get_series() or'default-series', '') ) if not series: metadata = utils.get_local_charm_metadata(charm_dir) await get_charm_series(metadata, self.model) if not series: default_series = model_config.get("default-series") if default_series: series = default_series.value charm_url = await self.model.add_local_charm_dir(charm_dir, series) metadata = utils.get_local_charm_metadata(path) if resources is not None: resources = await self.model.add_local_resources(self.entity_id, charm_url, metadata, resources=resources) # We know this charm is a local charm, but this charm origin could be # the charm origin of a charmhub charm. Ensure that we update/remove # the appropriate fields. charm_origin.source = "local" charm_origin.track = None charm_origin.risk = None charm_origin.branch = None charm_origin.hash_ = None charm_origin.id_ = None charm_origin.revision = URL.parse(charm_url).revision set_charm_args = { 'application': self.entity_id, 'charm_origin': charm_origin, 'charm_url': charm_url, 'config_settings': None, 'config_settings_yaml': None, 'force': force, 'force_units': force_units, 'resource_ids': resources, 'storage_constraints': None, } if self.connection.is_using_old_client: set_charm_args['force_series'] = force_series # Update application await app_facade.SetCharm(**set_charm_args) await self.model.block_until( lambda:['charm-url'] == charm_url )
[docs] async def get_metrics(self): """Get metrics for this application's units. :return: Dictionary of unit_name:metrics """ return await self.model.get_metrics(self.tag)
[docs]class ExposedEndpoint: """ExposedEndpoint stores the list of CIDRs and space names which should be allowed access to the port ranges that the application has opened for a particular endpoint. Both lists are optional; if empty, the opened port ranges will be reachable from any source IP address.""" def __init__(self, to_spaces=None, to_cidrs=None): if to_spaces is not None and not isinstance(to_spaces, list): raise ValueError("to_spaces must be a list of space names or None") if to_cidrs is not None and not isinstance(to_cidrs, list): raise ValueError("to_cidrs must be a list of CIDRs or None") self.to_cidrs = to_cidrs self.to_spaces = to_spaces
[docs] def includes_spaces(self): return self.to_spaces is not None and len(self.to_spaces) > 0
[docs] def includes_non_wildcard_cidrs(self): to_cidrs = (self.to_cidrs or []) non_wildcard_cidrs = filter(lambda x: x == "" or x == "::/0", to_cidrs) return len(list(non_wildcard_cidrs)) > 0
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data): d = (data or {}) if not isinstance(d, dict): raise ValueError("expected a dictionary with fields: expose-to-spaces and expose-to-cidrs") to_spaces = None if "expose-to-spaces" in d and isinstance(d["expose-to-spaces"], list): to_spaces = d["expose-to-spaces"] to_cidrs = None if "expose-to-cidrs" in d and isinstance(d["expose-to-cidrs"], list): to_cidrs = d["expose-to-cidrs"] return cls(to_spaces=to_spaces, to_cidrs=to_cidrs)
[docs] def to_dict(self): d = {} if self.to_cidrs is not None: d["expose-to-cidrs"] = self.to_cidrs if self.to_spaces is not None: d["expose-to-spaces"] = self.to_spaces return d
def __str__(self): descr = "" if self.to_spaces is not None and len(self.to_spaces) > 0: if len(self.to_spaces) == 1: descr = "from space {}".format(self.to_spaces[0]) elif len(self.to_spaces) > 1: descr = "from spaces {}".format(",".join(self.to_spaces)) if self.to_cidrs is not None and len(self.to_cidrs) > 0: descr = descr + " and " if self.to_cidrs is not None: if len(self.to_cidrs) == 1: descr = descr + "from CIDR {}".format(self.to_cidrs[0]) elif len(self.to_cidrs) > 1: descr = descr + "from CIDRs {}".format(",".join(self.to_cidrs)) return descr