Source code for juju.unit

# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache V2, see LICENCE file for details.

import logging

import pyrfc3339

from juju.errors import JujuAPIError, JujuError

from . import model, tag
from .annotationhelper import _get_annotations, _set_annotations
from .client import client

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Unit(model.ModelEntity): @property def agent_status(self): """Returns the current agent status string. """ return self.safe_data['agent-status']['current'] @property def agent_status_since(self): """Get the time when the `agent_status` was last updated. """ return pyrfc3339.parse(self.safe_data['agent-status']['since']) @property def is_subordinate(self): """True if the unit is subordinate of another unit """ return self.safe_data['subordinate'] @property def principal_unit(self): """Returns the name of the unit of which this unit is a subordinate to. Returns '' for principal units themselves. """ return self.safe_data['principal'] @property def agent_status_message(self): """Get the agent status message. """ return self.safe_data['agent-status']['message'] @property def workload_status(self): """Returns the current workload status string. """ return self.safe_data['workload-status']['current'] @property def workload_status_since(self): """Get the time when the `workload_status` was last updated. """ return pyrfc3339.parse(self.safe_data['workload-status']['since']) @property def workload_status_message(self): """Get the workload status message. """ return self.safe_data['workload-status']['message'] @property def machine(self): """Get the machine object for this unit. """ machine_id = self.safe_data['machine-id'] if machine_id: return self.model.machines.get(machine_id, None) else: return None @property def public_address(self): """ Get the public address. This property is deprecated, use get_public_address method. """ return self.safe_data['public-address'] or None @property def tag(self): return tag.unit(
[docs] def get_subordinates(self): """Returns the unit objects that are subordinates to this unit :return [Unit] """ return [u for u_name, u in self.model.units.items() if u.is_subordinate and u.principal_unit ==]
[docs] async def destroy(self, destroy_storage=False, dry_run=False, force=False, max_wait=None): """Destroy this unit. """ app_facade = client.ApplicationFacade.from_connection(self.connection) log.debug( 'Destroying %s', return await app_facade.DestroyUnit(units=[{"unit-tag": self.tag, 'destroy-storage': destroy_storage, 'force': force, 'max-wait': max_wait, 'dry-run': dry_run, }])
remove = destroy
[docs] async def get_public_address(self): """Return the public address of this unit. :return int public-address """ addr = self.safe_data['public-address'] or None if addr is not None: return addr app_facade = client.ApplicationFacade.from_connection(self.connection) defResult = await app_facade.UnitsInfo(entities=[client.Entity(self.tag)]) if defResult is not None and len(defResult.results) > 1: raise JujuAPIError("expected one result") return defResult.results[0].result.get('public-address', None)
[docs] async def resolved(self, retry=False): """Mark unit errors resolved. :param bool retry: Re-execute failed hooks :returns: A :class:`juju.client._definitions.ErrorResults` instance. """ app_facade = client.ApplicationFacade.from_connection(self.connection) log.debug( 'Resolving %s', return await app_facade.ResolveUnitErrors( all_=False, retry=retry, tags={'entities': [{'tag': self.tag}]})
[docs] async def add_storage(self, storage_name, pool=None, count=1, size=1024): """Creates a storage and adds it to this unit. :param: str storage_name: Name of the storage :param: str pool: the storage pool to provision storage instances from. Must be a name from 'juju storage-pools'. The default pool is available via executing 'juju model-config storage-default-block-source'. :param: int count: the number of storage instances to provision from <storage-pool> of <size>. Must be a positive integer. The default count is "1". May be restricted by the charm, which can specify a maximum number of storage instances per unit. :param: int size: the required size of the storage instance, in MiB. :return: []str storage_tags """ constraints = client.StorageConstraints(count=count, size=size) if pool: constraints = client.StorageConstraints(pool=pool, count=count, size=size) storage_facade = client.StorageFacade.from_connection(self.connection) res = await storage_facade.AddToUnit(storages=[client.StorageAddParams( name=storage_name, unit=self.tag, storage=constraints, )]) result = res.results[0] if result.error is not None: raise JujuError("{}".format(result.error)) storage_details = result.result return storage_details.storage_tags
[docs] async def attach_storage(self, storage_ids=[]): """Attaches existing storage to this unit. :param [str] storage_ids: existing storage ids to attach to the unit :return: """ if not storage_ids: raise JujuError("Expected a storage ID to be attached to unit {}".format( storage_facade = client.StorageFacade.from_connection(self.connection) return await storage_facade.Attach(ids=[client.StorageAttachmentId(, unit_tag=self.tag, ) for s_id in storage_ids])
[docs] async def detach_storage(self, *storage_ids, force=False): """Detaches storage from units. :param bool force: Forcefully detach storage :param [str] storage_ids: :return: """ if not storage_ids: raise JujuError("Expected at least one storage ID") storage_facade = client.StorageFacade.from_connection(self.connection) ret = await storage_facade.DetachStorage( force=force, ids=client.StorageAttachmentIds(ids=[client.StorageAttachmentId(, unit_tag=self.tag, ) for s in storage_ids]) ) if ret.results[0].error: raise JujuError(ret.results[0].error.message)
[docs] async def run(self, command, timeout=None, block=False): """Run command on this unit. :param str command: The command to run :param int timeout: Time, in seconds, to wait before command is considered failed :param bool block: A flag to use this function in synchronized fashion. Useful with older versions of juju, i.e. getting the result without having to call ``action.wait()`` separately. :returns: A :class:`juju.action.Action` instance. Note that this is very similarly to unit.run_action only enqueues the action. You will need to call ``action.wait()`` on the resulting `Action` instance if you wish to block until the action is complete. """ action = client.ActionFacade.from_connection(self.connection) log.debug( 'Running `%s` on %s', command, if timeout: # Convert seconds to nanoseconds timeout = int(timeout * 1000000000) # It's not enough to only check for the old_client on the connection here # The old client's ActionFacade is updated to version 7, so # 2.9 track client may be using either ActionFacade v6 or v7 too old_facade = client.ActionFacade.best_facade_version(self.connection) <= 6 res = await action.Run( applications=[], commands=command, machines=[], timeout=timeout, units=[], ) action_result = res.results[0] if old_facade else res.actions[0] action = action_result.action action_id = action.tag if action_id.startswith("action-"): # strip the action- part of "action-<num>" tag action_id = action_id[7:] error = action_result.error if error: raise JujuError("Action error - {} : {}".format(error.code, error.message)) action = await self.model._wait_for_new('action', action_id) if block: return await action.wait() return action
[docs] async def run_action(self, action_name, **params): """Run an action on this unit. :param str action_name: Name of action to run :param **params: Action parameters :returns: A :class:`juju.action.Action` instance. Note that this only enqueues the action. You will need to call ``action.wait()`` on the resulting `Action` instance if you wish to block until the action is complete. """ action_facade = client.ActionFacade.from_connection(self.connection) log.debug('Starting action `%s` on %s', action_name, old_client = self.connection.is_using_old_client op = action_facade.Enqueue if old_client else action_facade.EnqueueOperation res = await op(actions=[client.Action( name=action_name, parameters=params, receiver=self.tag, )]) _action = res.results[0] if old_client else res.actions[0] action = _action.action error = _action.error if error and error.code == 'not found': raise ValueError('Action `%s` not found on %s' % (action_name, elif error: raise Exception('Unknown action error: %s' % error.serialize()) action_id = action.tag[len('action-'):] log.debug('Action started as %s', action_id) # we mustn't use wait_for_action because that blocks until the # action is complete, rather than just being in the model return await self.model._wait_for_new('action', action_id)
[docs] async def scp_to(self, source, destination, user='ubuntu', proxy=False, scp_opts=''): """Transfer files to this unit. :param str source: Local path of file(s) to transfer :param str destination: Remote destination of transferred files :param str user: Remote username :param bool proxy: Proxy through the Juju API server :param scp_opts: Additional options to the `scp` command :type scp_opts: str or list """ await self.machine.scp_to(source, destination, user=user, proxy=proxy, scp_opts=scp_opts)
[docs] async def scp_from(self, source, destination, user='ubuntu', proxy=False, scp_opts=''): """Transfer files from this unit. :param str source: Remote path of file(s) to transfer :param str destination: Local destination of transferred files :param str user: Remote username :param bool proxy: Proxy through the Juju API server :param scp_opts: Additional options to the `scp` command :type scp_opts: str or list """ await self.machine.scp_from(source, destination, user=user, proxy=proxy, scp_opts=scp_opts)
[docs] async def ssh( self, command, user='ubuntu', proxy=False, ssh_opts=None): """Execute a command over SSH on this unit. :param str command: Command to execute :param str user: Remote username :param bool proxy: Proxy through the Juju API server :param str ssh_opts: Additional options to the `ssh` command """ return await self.machine.ssh(command, user, proxy, ssh_opts)
[docs] async def is_leader_from_status(self): """ Check to see if this unit is the leader. Returns True if so, and False if it is not, or if leadership does not make sense (e.g., there is no leader in this application.) This method is a kluge that calls FullStatus in the ClientFacade to get its information. Once is resolved, we should add a simple .is_leader property, and deprecate this method. """ unit_parts ="/") app = unit_parts[0] client_facade = client.ClientFacade.from_connection(self.connection) status = await client_facade.FullStatus(patterns=None) # FullStatus may be more up to date than our model, and the # unit may have gone away, or we may be doing something silly, # like trying to fetch leadership for a subordinate, which # will not be filed where we expect in the model. In those # cases, we may simply return False, as a nonexistent or # subordinate unit is not a leader. if not status.applications.get(app): return False # We will attempt to look in two places for a leader property based on # if the unit is subordinate or not. These variables allow for more # generic non discriminate checks target_apps = [app] is_subordinate = False # Is the application a subordinate? If so change our data variables to # the parent if status.applications[app].subordinate_to: is_subordinate = True target_apps = status.applications[app].subordinate_to for target_app in target_apps: app_data = status.applications[target_app] if not app_data.units: continue if app_data.units.get( is_leader = app_data.units[].leader return is_leader if is_leader else False if not is_subordinate: continue for key, unit in app_data.units.items(): if unit.subordinates and unit.subordinates.get( is_leader = unit.subordinates[].leader return is_leader if is_leader else False return False
[docs] async def get_metrics(self): """Get metrics for the unit. :return: Dictionary of metrics for this unit. """ metrics = await self.model.get_metrics(self.tag) return metrics[]
[docs] async def get_annotations(self): """Get annotations on this unit. :return dict: The annotations for this unit """ return await _get_annotations(self.tag, self.connection)
[docs] async def set_annotations(self, annotations): """Set annotations on this unit. :param annotations map[string]string: the annotations as key/value pairs. """ return await _set_annotations(self.tag, annotations, self.connection)