Source code for juju.machine

# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache V2, see LICENCE file for details.

import ipaddress
import logging
import typing

import pyrfc3339

from . import jasyncio, model, tag
from .annotationhelper import _get_annotations, _set_annotations
from .client import client
from .errors import JujuError
from juju.utils import juju_ssh_key_paths, block_until

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Machine(model.ModelEntity): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def destroy(self, force=False): """Remove this machine from the model. Blocks until the machine is actually removed. """ if self.connection.is_using_old_client: # Then we'll use the DestroyMachines from client.ClientFacade facade = client.ClientFacade.from_connection(self.connection) await facade.DestroyMachines(force=force, machine_names=[]) else: facade = client.MachineManagerFacade.from_connection(self.connection) await facade.DestroyMachineWithParams(force=force, machine_tags=[tag.machine(]) log.debug('Destroying machine %s', return await self.model._wait('machine',, 'remove')
remove = destroy
[docs] async def get_annotations(self): """Get annotations on this machine. :return dict: The annotations for this application """ return await _get_annotations(self.tag, self.connection)
[docs] async def set_annotations(self, annotations): """Set annotations on this machine. :param annotations map[string]string: the annotations as key/value pairs. """ return await _set_annotations(self.tag, annotations, self.connection)
def _format_addr(self, addr): """Validate and format IP address. :param addr: IPv6 or IPv4 address :type addr: str :returns: Address string, optionally encapsulated in brackets ([]) :rtype: str :raises: ValueError """ ipaddr = ipaddress.ip_address(addr) if isinstance(ipaddr, ipaddress.IPv6Address): fmt = '[{}]' else: fmt = '{}' return fmt.format(ipaddr)
[docs] async def scp_to(self, source, destination, user='ubuntu', proxy=False, scp_opts='', wait_for_active=False, timeout=None): """Transfer files to this machine. :param str source: Local path of file(s) to transfer :param str destination: Remote destination of transferred files :param str user: Remote username :param bool proxy: Proxy through the Juju API server :param scp_opts: Additional options to the `scp` command :type scp_opts: str or list :param bool wait_for_active: Wait until the machine is ready to take in ssh commands. :param int timeout: Time in seconds to wait until the machine becomes ready. """ if proxy: raise NotImplementedError('proxy option is not implemented') if wait_for_active: await block_until(lambda: self.addresses, timeout=timeout) try: # if dns_name is an IP address format it appropriately address = self._format_addr(self.dns_name) except ValueError: # otherwise we assume it to be a DNS resolvable string address = self.dns_name destination = '{}@{}:{}'.format(user, address, destination) await self._scp(source, destination, scp_opts)
[docs] async def scp_from(self, source, destination, user='ubuntu', proxy=False, scp_opts='', wait_for_active=False, timeout=None): """Transfer files from this machine. :param str source: Remote path of file(s) to transfer :param str destination: Local destination of transferred files :param str user: Remote username :param bool proxy: Proxy through the Juju API server :param scp_opts: Additional options to the `scp` command :type scp_opts: str or list :param bool wait_for_active: Wait until the machine is ready to take in ssh commands. :param int timeout: Time in seconds to wait until the machine becomes ready. """ if proxy: raise NotImplementedError('proxy option is not implemented') if wait_for_active: await block_until(lambda: self.addresses, timeout=timeout) try: # if dns_name is an IP address format it appropriately address = self._format_addr(self.dns_name) except ValueError: # otherwise we assume it to be a DNS resolvable string address = self.dns_name source = '{}@{}:{}'.format(user, address, source) await self._scp(source, destination, scp_opts)
async def _scp(self, source, destination, scp_opts): """ Execute an scp command. Requires a fully qualified source and destination. """ _, id_path = juju_ssh_key_paths() cmd = [ 'scp', '-i', id_path, '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-q', '-B' ] cmd.extend(scp_opts.split() if isinstance(scp_opts, str) else scp_opts) cmd.extend([source, destination]) # There's a bit of a gap between the time that the machine is assigned an IP and the ssh # service is up and listening, which creates a race for the ssh command. So we retry a # couple of times until either we run out of attempts, or the ssh command succeeds to # mitigate that effect. # TODO (cderici): refactor the ssh and scp subcommand processing into a single method. retry_backoff = 2 retries = 10 for _ in range(retries): process = await jasyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd) await process.wait() if process.returncode == 0: break await jasyncio.sleep(retry_backoff) if process.returncode != 0: raise JujuError(f"command failed after {retries} attempts: {cmd}")
[docs] async def ssh( self, command, user='ubuntu', proxy=False, ssh_opts=None, wait_for_active=False, timeout=None): """Execute a command over SSH on this machine. :param str command: Command to execute :param str user: Remote username :param bool proxy: Proxy through the Juju API server :param str ssh_opts: Additional options to the `ssh` command :param bool wait_for_active: Wait until the machine is ready to take in ssh commands. :param int timeout: Time in seconds to wait until the machine becomes ready. """ if proxy: raise NotImplementedError('proxy option is not implemented') if wait_for_active: await block_until(lambda: self.addresses, timeout=timeout) address = self.dns_name destination = "{}@{}".format(user, address) _, id_path = juju_ssh_key_paths() cmd = [ 'ssh', '-i', id_path, '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-q', destination ] if ssh_opts: cmd.extend(ssh_opts.split() if isinstance(ssh_opts, str) else ssh_opts) cmd.extend([command]) # There's a bit of a gap between the time that the machine is assigned an IP and the ssh # service is up and listening, which creates a race for the ssh command. So we retry a # couple of times until either we run out of attempts, or the ssh command succeeds to # mitigate that effect. retry_backoff = 2 retries = 10 for _ in range(retries): process = await jasyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd, stdout=jasyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=jasyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = await process.communicate() if process.returncode == 0: break await jasyncio.sleep(retry_backoff) if process.returncode != 0: raise JujuError(f"command failed: {cmd} after {retries} attempts, with {stderr.decode()}") # stdout is a bytes-like object, returning a string might be more useful return stdout.decode()
@property def addresses(self) -> typing.List[str]: """Returns the machine addresses. """ return self.safe_data['addresses'] or [] @property def agent_status(self): """Returns the current Juju agent status string. """ return self.safe_data['agent-status']['current'] @property def agent_status_since(self): """Get the time when the `agent_status` was last updated. """ return pyrfc3339.parse(self.safe_data['agent-status']['since']) @property def agent_version(self): """Get the version of the Juju machine agent. May return None if the agent is not yet available. """ version = self.safe_data['agent-status']['version'] if version: return client.Number.from_json(version) else: return None @property def status(self): """Returns the current machine provisioning status string. """ return self.safe_data['instance-status']['current'] @property def status_message(self): """Returns the current machine provisioning status message. """ return self.safe_data['instance-status']['message'] @property def status_since(self): """Get the time when the `status` was last updated. """ return pyrfc3339.parse(self.safe_data['instance-status']['since']) @property def dns_name(self): """Get the DNS name for this machine. This is a best guess based on the addresses available in current data. May return None if no suitable address is found. """ ordered_addresses = [] ordered_scopes = ['public', 'local-cloud', 'local-fan'] for scope in ordered_scopes: for address in self.addresses: if scope == address['scope']: ordered_addresses.append(address) for address in ordered_addresses: scope = address['scope'] for check_scope in ordered_scopes: if scope == check_scope: return address['value'] return None @property def hostname(self): """Get the hostname for this machine as reported by the machine agent running on it. This is only supported on 2.8.10+ controllers. May return None if no hostname information is available. """ if 'hostname' in self.safe_data and self.safe_data['hostname'] != '': return self.safe_data['hostname'] return None @property def series(self): """Returns the series of the current machine """ return self.safe_data['series'] @property def tag(self): return tag.machine(